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  • Quick Start

Inspire Cast - Getting Started

A course to help users get started using Inspire Cast including an interface tour and workflow training/videos.

Quick Start

Increasing Fidelity of Vehicle Dynamics Models

Activate models of a series-parallel hybrid electric vehicle powertrain coupled with CarSim via the Functional Mock-up Interface.

Quick Start

Increasing Fidelity of Electric Engine Models

Comparison of 3 different engine models for an HEV vehicle: Park equations, full 3D Flux model, table method; later one generated by Flux2D.

Quick Start

PMSM Simple Speed Control

Activate model of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) with vector control for speed or torque.

Quick Start

Fuel Economy Simulations

Activate model of a series-parallel hybrid electric vehicle powertrain to evaluate fuel economy and system performance.

Quick Start

Altair Embed™ & CCS Software Installation

Step by step instructions to install the Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio, Uniflash and Altair Embed™ software on your computer.

Quick Start

Arduino Series: Dimming an LED in Less than One Minute

Demonstration of rapid development with Altair Embed

Quick Start

Arduino Series: Blinking the Arduino LED

First steps in programming an Arduino

Quick Start

Tips and Tricks: Total Materia Premium Edition

A collection of tips and tricks to help users get up and running with Total Materia quickly and easily.

Quick Start

Motor Identification for InstaSPIN™ Field Oriented Control Hardware in the Loop

InstaSPIN: Motor Control solution from Texas Instruments

Quick Start

Field Oriented Control Simulation

Short introduction to the theory of closed loop field oriented control of a PMSM.

Quick Start

Field Oriented Control Hardware in the Loop

Hardware Used: TI LaunchXL-F28069M, BoostXL-DRV8301, Teknic M2310

Quick Start

Sensorless Field Oriented Control Hardware in the Loop

Employing TI's FAST (Flux, Angle, Speed, and Torque) observer

Quick Start

Altair Activate and XLDyn Integration

XLSE’s easy to use interface and project view capability is ideal for managers and teams to keep abreast of project status.

Quick Start

Tips & Tricks: LAP

Step-by-Step Layup Optimization with LAP

Quick Start

AlphaCell: Transfer Matrix Method vs Finite Element Method

Short technical demo of AlphaCell for NVH analysis regarding two separate methods of sound transmission loss computations.

Quick Start

Matereality Tip: The Many Ways to Fill in a Gap in Your Materials Information Core

Quick tips to help you get started with Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro.

Quick Start

MapleSim to VisSim

Rapid physical modeling, analysis and model deployment to VisSim.

Quick Start

Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro and HyperWorks Connectivity

Description and tutorial about the connection between Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro and HyperWorks.

Quick Start

Matereality Tip: Create CAE Master Material Files for use in HyperWorks

Quick guide to creating material files in Matereality Workgroup Material DatabasePro that are compatible with HyperWorks.

Quick Start

DSHplus Tip: Using a Formula Automatically Calculate a Mass Spring Damper System

This video explains how to apply formulas to automatically calculate a mass spring damper system.

Quick Start

Matereality Tip: Use the 'Share' Functionality So Everyone is on the Same Page

Share your view with colleagues, so they see what you see! Send them the exact link by clicking Share in the left column. Soon, you and your colleague are on the same page! Take a snap shot of the plot to add to your report by clicking the camera icon on top of the graph!

Quick Start

ChassisSim Shaker Rig Toolbox Demo

Short demonstration video showing what the ChassisSim Shaker Rig Toolbox is and how to apply it.

Quick Start

Introductory Demonstration of How to Design a Race Car Using ChassisSim

Video demonstration of a general race car design in ChassisSim.

Quick Start

LAP Technical Demo

Short technical demonstration of LAP for layered composite analysis.

Quick Start

Inspire Structures - Getting Started

A course to help users get started using Inspire Structures including an interface tour and workflow training/videos.

Quick Start

SimLab QuickMesh – Gear

Learn how to import a CAD geometry, mesh it with solid elements and then export it to a solver deck. Throughout the video you learn how to define the global mesh size for shell and tetra elements.

Quick Start

SimLab Mesh Controls – Gear

Learn how to select and isolate identify regions based on their geometry features. Tetmesh a solid body after applying mesh controls. Export all mesh controls as color based template.

Quick Start

SimLab Volume Meshing with Layers – Housing

Request locally a given amount of tet layers through thin walls. Create a volume mesh with Tet10 from an existing, enclosed Tri6 mesh. Auto cleanup a volume mesh based on different quality criteria.

Quick Start

SimLab Meshing with Body Break – Engine Assembly

Generate CAD features from a mesh. Cut and separate a section of a body using region mesh control. Learn how to use logo removal and mesh a valve seat. Finally create a circular gasket imprint in a body.

Quick Start

SimLab Meshing with Process Automation – Piston

Perform a mesh automation running a javascript or pythonscript from the process automation menu.

Quick Start

SimLab Quick Imprinted Mesh for Parasolid Assemblies

This video shows, how to create a shell and solid mesh is generated on a Parasolid file. You also learn, how to transfer existing groups onto the mesh.

Quick Start

SimLab Hex Meshing using Extrude Functions – Y bracket

Mesh a geometry with hex elements. Generate an axi-symmetric mesh around cylinders and adjust the number of layers. Adjust the alignment of common faces and merge bodies with coincident faces.

Quick Start

SimLab Weld Modeling

This video guides through the steps to create either a triangular or a bead weld.

Quick Start

SimLab Welding Process with Connection

Learn how to create weld beads along edges, create individual beads and connect them with other bead welds. Boolean operations help to merge individual parts together with the weld.

Quick Start

Exploring the Weld Basic Feature in SimLab

This video explains how to weld two bodies which are separated by a gap. The viewer will get an explanation on the parameters of the basic weld feature.

Quick Start

SimLab Tutorials – Meshing

Series of videos aimed to get you started using SimLab for meshing.

Quick Start, Training Materials

Buck Converters - Overview

Introduction of Anthony Boon and overview of the Buck Converter series

Quick Start

SimSolid – Shortcut Keys

You can access many commonly used functions in SimSolid with keyboard shortcuts, which are generally faster and more efficient than using the toolbar

Quick Start

Installing Altair Access Web

Getting started with Altair Access™ web

Quick Start

Installing Altair Access Desktop

Get started with Altair Access™ Desktop

Quick Start

Sharing Software Licenses Across Multiple Sites and the Cloud with Allocator and Monitor

View this product demo video featuring software license management tools Altair Monitor and Altair Allocator to learn more about the software.

Quick Start

Altair Control - Analyze and Simulate HPC Workloads for Intelligent Resource Expansion

Altair Control Product Demonstration

Quick Start

Altair Control - Manage and Optimize HPC Resources with Advanced Monitoring, Budgeting, and Cloud Bursting Tools

Altair Control Product Demonstration

Quick Start

Altair Access - Job Submission and Remote Visualization with Access Desktop, Mobile, and Web Interfaces

Altair Access, Product Demonstration, Demo, HPC

Quick Start

Altair Accelerator 2021.1 Dashboard – Demo Video

The Altair Accelerator job scheduler has a web user interface (UI) that allows users and administrators to view queued and running jobs, status of execution hosts, and many other important statuses of the cluster that is being managed. The dashboard page in the UI can be very useful for system admins as they monitor the status of Accelerator function and cluster loading. The dashboard is auto-refreshing and shows you at a glance the most recent status.

Quick Start
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