Accurate Cabin Predictions - Modeling Real Automotive Parts Replaces Cost and Time-Consuming Physical Testing

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Trèves Products Services & Innovation in France is one of the leading Tier-1 suppliers of noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) reduction parts, providing full sound packages for the trunk, body, interior, and powertrain. To best meet their customer expectations, where possible, Trèves reduces part design and lead time by replacing expensive and time-consuming physical testing with numerical modeling. Traditionally, such models need real parts to account for their multi-layer arrangement and varying thickness, with readily available input parameters. They also need to be comprehensive in scope and easy to implement.

Available via the Altair Partner Alliance (APA), AlphaCell from Matelys-Research Lab offers several features that meets Trèves’ needs, and have helped position Trèves to provide robust solutions to OEMs in order to achieve the next generation of pass-by noise limits.

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